Today: Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Implementation of a leadership-style management system and examining its impact on organizational productivity
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2023-2024, Pages 1 - 20
Author(s) : Armin kakaeinezhad* 1 , Jafar Jafar Namdar 2 , Michael Balle 3 , Henry Welsh 4 , Elizabethe Manzi 5
1 Master of Industrial Engineering Iran Cable Factory.
2 Post-doctorate in industrial engineering, MIT University, USA .
3 PhD in Industrial Engineering, Sorbonne University, France
4 PhD in Industrial Engineering, Stanford University, USA.
5 PhD in Industrial Engineering, Harvard University, USA. Elizabethe
Abstract :
The purpose of this article is to implement leadership-style management and examine its impact on organizational productivity in the context of a manufacturing plant (Iran Cable Manufacturing Company ). The research method is based on practical purpose. In this research, leadership was implemented in different ways in the organization and its effect on the factors affecting the organization's productivity time, which includes 1- increasing the amount of production 2- reducing the production time 3- reducing the amount of waste 4- reducing the start-up time 5- consumption of materials Primary 6- Rework 7- Device breakdowns were analyzed and investigated. And finally, the main premise of the research, that is, "leadership style management is effective on the organization's productivity", is confirmed.
The purpose of this article is to implement leadership-style management and examine its impact on organizational productivity in the context of a manufacturing plant (Iran Cable Manufacturing Company ). The research method is based on practical purpose. In this research, leadership was implemented in different ways in the organization and its effect on the factors affecting the organization's productivity time, which includes 1- increasing the amount of production 2- reducing the production time 3- reducing the amount of waste 4- reducing the start-up time 5- consumption of materials Primary 6- Rework 7- Device breakdowns were analyzed and investigated. And finally, the main premise of the research, that is, "leadership style management is effective on the organization's productivity", is confirmed.
Keywords :
Keywords: Leadership, organization productivity, employees
Keywords: Leadership, organization productivity, employees