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Compilation of Islamic corporate governance framework to examine sustainable performance in banks admitted to the stock exchange
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 8 - 23
Author(s) : Farshid Ahmadi Farsani * 1 , Zahra Fazlolahi Dehkordi 2

1 Assistant professor of accounting, payame noor university, Tehran, Iran

2 Master of accounting, Loresta university, Iran

Abstract :
Corporate governance is the alignment of interests between managers and shareholders and the reduction of information asymmetry. So, the four principles include fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility represent corporate governance based on shareholders and protecting the interests of shareholders. According to this and considering that Iranian banks operate based on Islamic Sharia, the level of establishment of corporate governance based on shareholders or beneficiaries was considered in the present research. The purpose of the current research was to compile the framework of Islamic corporate governance to examine the sustainable performance of banks admitted to the stock exchange, so it was descriptive-survey and applied in terms of its purpose. In this research, the library method was used to collect the research literature as well as the field method to collect the research data. The statistical population studied in this research was senior managers of banks (Day, Sina, Sarmayeh) in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinces with a number of 350 people. Using the sampling of the results of research and analysis, Iranian banks were divided into three banks (Day, Sina, Sarmayeh) in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinces and 150 questionnaires were distributed among the bank managers. In order to describe the research findings, spss21 software was used for data analysis. The results showed that the amount of attention paid to the factor of fairness in corporate governance on sustainable performance in Islamic banking is lower than the average level and is at an unfavorable level. The level of attention to transparency in corporate governance on sustainable performance in Islamic banking is not significant in this statistical population, the level of attention to accountability component in corporate governance on sustainable performance is at an average level and at a relatively favorable level. And finally, the amount of attention to the component of responsibility in corporate governance on sustainable performance is at a lower than average level and at an unfavorable level.
Keywords :
: Corporate governance, sustainable performance, financial performance