Today: Wednesday, 12 March 2025


Digital Sustainability Model A New Approach in Business Model Innovation
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 33 - 55
Author(s) : Mohammad Kargar Shouraki* 1

1 Pasargad Arian Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure Company (Fanap Infrastructure)

Abstract :
Objective: Although one of the most significant business challenges is in the field of financial and economic issues, the businesses during the last few years have faced two other new challenges including the requirements of sustainability, as well as the proper and timely use of digital transformation tools. For this reason, businesses should emphasize the challenges of social, environmental, and digital transformation aspects in addition to sustainable economic profitability challenges to consider these issues as the main challenges of their business model. However, businesses need new dynamic capabilities with the changes posed by new challenges. Such inner capabilities focus on digital sustainability and evolution. With the onset of the COVID-19 disease, the need for attention and acceleration of the creation and development of such capabilities in businesses became completely apparent. Method: The research method was of mixed type based on six research methods of Meta-Synthesis, Thematic Analysis, Interpretive-Structural Model, Cognitive Rating Cluster Map, DEMATEL, and Analytic Network Process. Results: The model proposed in this study included three approaches, three aspects, seven dimensions, and 19 components. Based on quantitative modeling, its seven main dimensions were considered in three aspects as "digital/sustainable direction", digital/sustainable execution”, and “digital/sustainable results”. Conclusion: Three dynamic digital /sustainable capabilities such as sensing opportunities and threats, seizing opportunities, transforming, as well as new dimensions called "digital scouting", "sustainable computing" and "sustainable engagement were presented in the digital sustainability model.
Keywords :
: “Digital Sustainability”, “Business Model Innovation”, “Dynamic Capabilities”