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Effect of organizational intelligence on political behaviors in the organization(Studied case: Parsian Bank)
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 3 - 18
Author(s) : Hassan Gharibi* 1 , samere davoodvandi 2 , Mohamadreza Hoseynimehr 3

1 Master of business management, Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 Master of mba, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen

3 Master of business management, Allameh Tabataba’i University

Abstract :
The present paper is going to do an experimental study in Parsian bank to investigate the effect of organizational intelligence on political behavior in this firm. In doing so, we used author’s model. The sample comprises of 234 staff of Parsian bank branches in Tehran city and the sampling method was random cluster sampling method. We used a standard questionnaire with 36 questions to gather data. The questionnaire’s validity and reliability had been confirmed and then it was distributed between populations (sample group). The data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. In descriptive statistics level, we used indexes like frequency, frequency percentage; in inferential statistics level, we used correlation methods, structural equations model, and path analysis. In doing so, we used SPSS and LISREL soft Wares. The results showed that there is a relationship between organizational intelligence and its dimensions with political behavior in an organization. (p < 0.05)
Keywords :
organizational intelligence, dimensions of organizational intelligence, political behavior