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The Ways of Adhering Iran to WTO _ The Country’s Economic Transitions and Developments
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 3 - 6
Author(s) : Elmira Emsia* 1

1 Department of Accounting, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran.

Abstract :
In paper, “The ways of adhering Iran to WTO _ the country’s economic transitions and developments”, is done by descriptive and library methods. In this paper, the procedure of Iran incorporation with WTO, world trade organization, is designated and ascertained. The connection of Iran to WTO not only doesn’t cause the transition in company with improvement, but even this work is faced with some backwashes such as unemployment increase due to deleting the support of internal industry, removing the ways of government’s incomes via tariff reduction, the loss is occurred by huge costs reduction, and tearing the new industries down. To hinder from these negative results, should be applied the necessary approaches like reforming and determining the rules and regulations toward the facility of generator’s investment, reforming the office systems, step by step decreasing the custom tariff, and reinforcing the private parts for production of the competitively items. The findings ascertained through going the efficiency of total economic up, going the production costs down, growing the public welfare, and the transition and development of economic-social are the advantages of adhering the country to open trading. The world trade must be fair and takes into account the mutual desires. Until the countries like Iran get an experience about long-term improvement and growth.
Keywords :
transition, WTO, supervisor, custom tariff, reduction of costs, approaches and development.