Today: Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Challenges of the Right to Development in Contemporary Economy
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 13 - 28
1 Assistant Professor International Law Department, Qom University. Yaser
2 Ph.D in International Law, Qom University.
Abstract :
Human rights have not been realized desirably in present world. Right to development requires realization of all human rights. The development theories; too, have not gained much success in desirable realization of economic development. Thus, while correcting and improving the economic theories on ground of justice and equality, the human rights; too, should be considered in development plants. Based on this approach, the economic development must be designed based on the right to development.
Human rights have not been realized desirably in present world. Right to development requires realization of all human rights. The development theories; too, have not gained much success in desirable realization of economic development. Thus, while correcting and improving the economic theories on ground of justice and equality, the human rights; too, should be considered in development plants. Based on this approach, the economic development must be designed based on the right to development.
Keywords :
Equilibrium, Right to Development, Globalization, Liquidity Premium
Equilibrium, Right to Development, Globalization, Liquidity Premium